Note that depending on your version of NcFTPd, your logs may have fewer fields than those listed here; newer versions will try to maintain backwards compatibility by appending new fields (rather than inserting new fields, deleting old fields, or otherwise modifying the line format).
Prefix 1: Date and time: When the remote client was logged out and disconnected.
Prefix 2: Child number: The name of the child process
that served the client connection.
Field 1: User: Username attempted to login as, or anonymous
for anonymous FTP users. Note that this field does not imply that user was
successfully logged in. There are two special values here: REFUSED and DENIED.
The latter refers to remote clients who were refused a connection (or disconnected immediately)
because the server was at its max user limit; the former refers to users
disconnected immediately because the client address was rejected by
TCP Wrappers.
Field 2: Email: Email address as entered by the
anonymous FTP user at the password prompt. Will be blank for non-anonymous
Field 3: Host: IP or hostname of the remote host
the client is originating from.
Field 4: Session time: Total number of seconds user was logged in to the server.
Field 5: Time between commands: Average number of seconds between FTP commands.
Field 6: Bytes retrieved: Total bytes downloaded.
Field 7: Bytes Stored: Total bytes uploaded.
Field 8: Number of commands: Total number of commands the remote FTP client issued.
Field 9: Retrieves: Total number of retrieves (downloads) attempted.
Field 10: Stores: Total number of stores (uploads) attempted.
Field 11: Chdirs: Number of directory changes attempted.
Field 12: NLSTs: Number of directory listings (short mode).
Field 13: LISTs: Number of directory listings (detailed mode).
Field 14: Types: Number of transfer type changes.
Field 15: PORT/PASV: Number of data connection address specifications.
Field 16: PWD: Number of print working directory requests.
Field 17: SIZE: Number of file size requests.
Field 18: MDTM: Number of file modification time requests.
Field 19: SITE: Number of site commands.
Field 20: Logins: Number of successful logins.
Field 21: Failed Data Connections: Number of data connections that could not be established due to some sort of an error (i.e. timed-out during
connect to address client specified using PORT).
Field 22: Last transfer result: The status code of the session's last data transfer, or NONE if no transfers were attempted.
Field 23: Successful downloads: Number of successful downloads.
Field 24: Failed downloads: Number of failed downloads.
Field 25: Successful uploads: Number of successful uploads.
Field 26: Failed uploads: Number of failed uploads.
Field 27: Successful listings: Number of successful directory listings.
Field 28: Failed listings: Number of failed directory listings.
Field 29: Close Code: Reason the client was disconnected (see below).
Field 30: Session ID: Unique session identifier. This can be used to match the session with entries in the transfer logs.
Field 31: Domain: Specifies which of your server's domains (set-name) the remote user connected to.
Value | Meaning |
0 | Normal disconnect (client issued QUIT primitive). |
1 | End-of-file on control connection; the client closed the connection but did not issue a QUIT primitive. This should not be considered an error in most cases. |
2 | Miscellaneous error. |
3 | Client exceeded idle timeout limit. |
4 | Client exceeded login timeout. |
5 | Timed-out while sending to client. |
6 | Lost connection (broken pipe). |
7 | Control connection reset by peer. |
8 | Network I/O error (error reported by read or write system call). |
9 | TCP Wrappers denied the user. |
10 | Too many users already logged on. |
11 | Too many users already logged on to domain. |
12 | Too many users already logged on by the same username. |
13 | Too many users already logged on by the same IP address. |
14 | Bad startup directory. |
15 | Passive data socket failed. |
16 | Passive data connection accept timed-out. |
17 | Passive data connection accept failed. |
18 | Passive data connection accept succeeded, but remote port was under 1024. |
19 | Passive data connection accept succeeded, but remote address was different from that of the control connection and proxy connections are disabled. |
20 | Port data connection attempt to client timed-out. |
21 | Port data connection attempt to client failed. |
22 | Port data connection specified a different remote address than that of the control connection and proxy connections are disabled. |
23 | Port data connection specified an internal network address. |
24 | Port data connection specified a remote port number under 1024. |
25 | Control connection's port number was under 1024. |
26 | Socket failed. |
27 | ncftpd_authd exchange state failed. |
28 | ncftpd_authd denied the user. |
29 | ncftpd_authd miscellaneous error. |
30 | Too many failed username/password attempts. |
31 | No logins are allowed during system maintenance (/etc/nologin file exists). |
32 | Anonymous logins not allowed here. |
33 | Non-anonymous logins not allowed here. |
34 | Buffer overflow attempted by client. |
35 | Could not restore user privileges. |
36 | Domain is marked as disabled. |
37 | Timed out during data transfer. |
38 | Wrong protocol (such as HTTP or SMTP) used by client. |
39 | Syntax error in passwd database user record. |
40 | Malformed User Permssions String in passwd database user record or from Authd. |
41 | Malformed Umask in passwd database user record or from Authd. |
See Also: Transfer Log Format : Stat Log Format